A Once in a Lifetime Stallion
Few horses embody both this kind of pure talent and raw power while also conducting themselves as perfect gentlemen. Metallic Spark is beloved wherever he goes. He's so approachable. He's so solid. And he's the teammate you want when the cows are in the arena and the flag goes up. He is as true and honest to his rider and his sport as you could ever ask. He will not take a ride off. He's all heart. He wants to win. It doesn't matter if you are on the first ride of a backyard round robin jackpot or in the fifth go-round for all the money in a National Championship. You ask for it and Metallic Spark will give it to you. Just being around him makes you feel better about this sport we compete in and this lifestyle we lead.
- Karl Lanka, Owner/Rider

Our Mission
To provide a great experience to those who want the opportunity to breed their mare to a world class stallion.

Our Vision
To perpetuate a great line of performance horses.